Multi-page contracts are often a “nightmare” for many artists and other people engaged in the cultural sector. It is, however, entirely necessary to formulate and specify the basic obligations of the contracting parties in writing in each contract regardless of its type or title. Each contract should contain at least the following essentials:

  • the exact names of the contracting parties (including the address and date of birth of individuals, and the legal form, registered office, identification number (IČ), information on registration in a public register and the character of representation in respect of legal persons, and the representation authorisation of a certain person is should always be checked in the public register),
  • the precise description of the subject of agreement, i.e. the work, task, project or activity to be performed or the service to be delivered,
  • the duration of the project or collaboration (or the completion of the work, task or project),
  • the remuneration and its due date, including information on invoicing and the payment method,
  • expenses and incidental costs,
  • insurance and transport issues,
  • potential issues concerning copyright and related intellectual property rights, and licensing (if the contractual obligations of any of the parties include creating or handling intellectual property rights).